Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Workshop and platform on taking-up non-formal education experiences and their evaluation into formal education evaluation


If you're interested in collaborating in creating a platform and workshops on  taking-up non-formal education experiences and their evaluation into formal education evaluation, please let me know.

Many countries within the developed world are suffering from declining birth rates, ageing workforces and skill shortages. To address these issues within their labour markets, both the OCED and EU have been acknowledging and focusing on the processes of formal recognition for both non-formal and informal learning. This recognition states that all learning is of value and that non-formal and informal learning are equivalent to formal learning.
This validation or measuring the value of lifelong learning requires a process whereby individuals have their overall skills they have acquired formally acknowledged. This would require systematic documentation for non-formal learning within the workplace or youth organisations, coupled with recognition within the relevant industry for this form of non-formal learning. Moreover, within higher education or universities that non-formal learning is accepted as a formal knowledge within the relevant specialist field. Both the UK and Australia higher education institutions and universities now accept and grant non-formal learning as credit towards a qualification.
Cedefop - "Centre Européen pour le veloppement de la Formation Professionnelle" -has created European guidelines to provide validation to a broad range of learning experiences, thereby aiding transparency and comparability across its national borders. The broad framework for achieving this certification across both non-formal and informal learning is outlined in the Cedefop European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning; Routes from learning to certification. [15]
Cedefop also provides a forum for debate and exchanges of ideas on these and related topics.

Different Countries Approaches [edit]

There are different approaches to validation between OCED and EU countries, with countries adopting different measures. The EU, as noted above, through the Cepofd released European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning in 2009 to standardise validation throughout the EU. Within the OCED countries, the picture is more mixed.
Countries with the existence of recognition for non-formal and informal learning (Feutrie, 2007)[16]
Full ProgramPartial ProgramLimited ProgramNo program
Czech Republicx
South Africax
United Kingdomx

The Future [edit]

With increasing demand for a highly skilled workforce and the movement towards an knowledge economy, recognition of non-formal and informal learning shall become important tools as governments adapt to these demands. This is linked to the ‘lifelong learning for all’ agenda of the OECD, that is reshaping how we learn to better match the needs of the 21st century knowledge economies and open societies.

Suggested Links [edit]

Directorate General for Education and Culture on Valuing learning outside formal education and training:
Cedefop European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning:
Conclusions of The Council of the European Union May 2004:
Department of Education, Education and Workplace Relations, Australia Government. Country Report:

Monday, November 1, 2010

I'm working on following topics: leadership development around...

  1. - Agenda 21, the Plan of Action to help Humanity make it beyond the year 2100, supported by the UN. Updated every decennium since
  2. - The 2015 Millennium Development Goals
  3. - Low Carbon Economy / Low Greenhouse Gas Economy / Sustainable Economy
  4. - 3rd week of november: week
  5. - the 2010-11 UN International Year of Youth (from August till end August)
  6. - the 2002-2010 period to halt the loss of Biodiveristy and 2010 Year of Biodiversity / Biodiversity - Habitat Certificate Trading System
  7. - the 2011 UN International Year of The Forest
  8. - the 2011 UN International Year for People of African Descent
  9. - the 2011 Antwerp European Capital of Youth
  10. - the 2011 EUROPEAN YEAR of Volunteering / To reward and recognise volunteering activities

  11. - 2012 Supported by the UN: Rio+20 = update of the 1992 Agenda 21 Plan of Action to help Humanity make it beyond the year 2100, the decennial earth summit:
  12. - the 2012 United Nations International Year of Co-operatives
  13. - the 2012 year to celebrate the first 5 yrs of Emission Trading System
  14. - Youth policy in adult organisations
  15. - Knowledge management in Youth Organisations and NGO's
  16. - Working via Virtual Offices and the internet
Looking forward hearing from you if you're also working on one of these topics.
Skype: SvenAERTS