Monday, August 16, 2010

Youth holidays 75% travel costs covered, and nearly 100% of the stay ...

The European Union aligns itself to never have a 3rd World War. One of the ways to prevent this was for every adult organisation to create a youth organisation and set-up youth exchange programs.  This way peace is really embedded in society as people get to know each other in a positive, constructive way.  Europe also wants to create Europeans, and what better way to make youngster from all over Europe come together around topics that are interesting to them and travel to each others countries?

Conditions: most of the time, you have to get 3 groups from 3 different nationalities on a same topic together, draft a program and financial plan and hand it in.

Where to start:
  1. Here's where these youngsters try to find partners: 
    2. european-youth-exchanges (+8.500 youngsters).  
  2. The more experienced will explain you where to download the templates you have to fill out and where you have to send it to.
  3. As you will notice, the Ministries of Youth provide money to cover your stay and meals for 100% and your travel for about 75%.
  4. If you are from outside Europe; Europe wants to uplift youth talent e.g. from Africa via
    1. European Youth Strategy: Action 3 - Youth in the World - all above countries are eligible.
    2.  a Seed funding: North-South Centre of the Council of Europe - 2.000 € Seed Funding to get African Talents over to Europe to participate in Youth Trainings, example 2013: , if not call them !
  5. with the Youth Portal of the European Union
  6. SALTO - Trainer Fees - Salto is the organisation that a.o. manages the EU recognized Youth Trainers.
  7. Spreadsheet for calculating how much money you can make = trainerfee you can charge
Have a great life ...
Sven born 1970
Out of gratitude for the opportunities the EU Youth Program and my Youth Organisation YEE-Youth Environment Europe has given me. It made me a better person.

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